So. Hugo season is
over, time to start another Hugo season.
I stopped posting on the Hugos early last summer, as a
Project from Hell at work ate my life.
(The reward for successfully finishing that? More work. *sigh*) Since then, I’ve started easing back into the
SFF/blogging side of things. (Also the
writing side.) Of course, soon as I do,
Larry Correia over at Monster Hunter Nation up
and posts a guest article(1) from Chuck Gannon (2) . You
can find the column – “Ends, Means, and Arsonists, Or The Importance of Saying “Yes” to Civility While Saying “No” to Passivity” here.
Once read, one should read the comments (here.) And then one should read the comments at John
Scalzi’s Whatever (here), where Gannon crossposted the article.
Go, read.
My thoughts are
below the cut.